Since I'm married, I need more 'control' of my life. Hence, I am starting using organizers to schedule my task. Something like this :
Mon (14th Nov)
Do x
Tues (15th Nov)
Do y
Do z
Wed (16th Nov)
Do a
Do b on. U get the idea.
This is conventional, boring, but work just fine. But after a while I realised it missing 'something incredibly important : PRIORITIES. It keeps me off-guard. I just did my daily action 'blindly' without really understand 'why should I do it'. I asked myself 'is it anything more important should I do?' , or 'is it this task is important enough to do it now'?
Sometimes I think I did all task, but I was not feeling content. Why?
Then I remembered from my father's book : First Thing First by Stephen Covey. Rather than schedule task by timeline, he suggested organized task by 'roles'. Something like this :-
Do y
Do x
Do a
Do b
Do c
do f
I feel a lot calmer. It weights up the important thing first by your roles. I love it. The 'bold' one is more important than non-bold. It is like arranging luggage for your car boots, U put the bigger one first.
The advantage of using this U will do the 'meaningful one' first. All roles are important, it's like I have 4 different 'car boots' to fill up, and it gives me a better control what to do first, rather than just 'blindly' putting things in.
From here, we can put thing in perspective. For example, if u are busy executive, U can see how minimal your task in 'Family' roles. It will remind U to do something about it. It will remind U of who are U really are.
1 ulasan:
Enal, it reminds me hindi film, Dasvidaniya. You should watch it. Very inspiring. Hah like that lah.
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