Selasa, 20 Mac 2012

Make money vs building business

In Robert Kiyosaki's Cash Flow Quadrant, he put it simply and clearly; The difference in building a business vs making quick cash. 

Cash is essential to a business, as important as blood to a body. BUT it is not the purpose. Cash is not the purpose for the company existence. Similarly, 'blood' is not the reason of why we live.

Hence, building a business a long stretch view. Perhaps, more than one life time. The real question is not "how can we fit in", but rather, "how can we contribute to the world". This ain't easy to answer.

The deeper question is more personal : 

"What DO I what to contribute?". 
"What is my value"?.
What is important to me"?

My Story

I've been teaching Math for the past 6 years. It was hard work, with 'self-employed' mindset, hourly rate. Just enough cash to make ends meet. 

This year Cikgu Azizul was kind enough asked me to join as a partner at Pulau Ilmu. It is ordinary tuition centre. But man, i was in 'paradigm shift'. I see the world differently now. I started to think big.

I visualised franchising the business to whole region. With our systematic 'profit-sharing' method with tutors, it is not impossible. How i see it grows. Wonderful.

At the moment, I'm not rich yet. I still have my private class to make ends meet. But building a business excites me more now. 

Now I realized i am teacher at heart. I started to think of how can I contribute to more people; to students, tutors and community as a whole.

I used to think teaching is a part-time work. But now, I have a responsibility to build a GREAT institution. Pray the best for me. Amin,

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