Rabu, 9 November 2011

Taking over Pulau Ilmu

Last Saturday, Azizul & Hafizul came to my house to discuss about taking over Pulau Ilmu in Subang Perdana. Azizul, currently owns 100% of the share (for secondary), willing to divide 3 of his share among us.With reasonably good price. Initially we've planned to buy over the other branch of Pulau Ilmu in Subang 2, but Azizul convinced us to buy the one at the Subang Perdana.

He said the advantage is:-

  • we have our own students already (nearly 100 students), as 3 of us currently teaching there.
  • Pulau Ilmu brand name is widely recognised in the Subang Perdana area.
  • we've a reliable clerk/assistant, Puan Lin.
  • the infrastructure( desks, chairs, air-con, whiteboard) was readily available and in good condition.

The disadvantage:
  • we couldn't brand our self 'Science & Math Intitute' as we've planned to at his moment, as we will stick to Pulau Ilmu brand name.
  • our control stake is NOT 100%, since another half owned by Primary side (we are in Secondary side)
  • the mentally and attitude of the 'some' of the students, since most of them are from the same nearby school, SMK Subang (I shall not disclosed the detail here.

Nonetheless, we had a discussion about how to solve each problem, and we have our own plan of how to brand our self as a "Science & Math" tuition centre, under the name of Pulau Ilmu.

Personally to me, I can see how we can work 'synergically' and 'symbiotically' to manage the centre. It's a long way journey, but I belief we are the 'right people' to handle it, since all 3 of us are really passionate about teaching. We will still have a lot to learn managing the business, but I feel great to be part of this team. Got to start finalise my own module soon, and next meeting we will discuss about our 'packaging'.

Will keep updated ya.

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